Oct 5, 2021

FYRLYT feedback from Canada. MOFO 12000's & Toyota Landcruiser.

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

Paul & David Good God!! Epic lighting!

I just returned from a trip into the north. Lots of rain and night driving. I installed a new 120A alternator which I got through Road Runner Off-road. FYI - 12HT low idle 850 RPM. Wipers -ON. Heater - fan setting HI. Headlights - HI beam ON. FYRLYT MOFO12000’s - ON. Alternator produced 13.45 volts. At 1250 RPM alternator produced 14.45 volts. More than enough to run everything on the truck comfortably. Sitting idling I could rev the engine and get absolutely zero effect on lights. No dimming or brightening. Impressive!

The lights were unbelievable. I could shine down the highway at speed 95-100 kmh and it would be many seconds to travel to the reach of the lights. No way I could not see, react and stop to any situation. For one particular stretch of carnage, I ran by a couple dozen dead deer and smaller animals I could actually identify them so far away it might as well have been daytime. Forever FYRLYT’s fan!

Jon Hartman